online user

The Internet has no shortage of articles and quotes from journalists and others who know that media is changing. That is why it is absolutely critical that newsrooms beginning converting their media to a more web-based platform. But it is tricky. Bringing with you the same followers from a print edition is difficult. So, how can you inspire online users to participate?

Incorporating previous followers and encouraging new online users to participate in the web platform is mandatory. But, there are specific methods to have this process work correctly. 

Online Users Engage

The media was once a one-way street. The newsrooms would dictate through television and newspapers and radio, which stories audiences received. The masses held no control. They had no options. 

But the Internet changed all that. And very fast. Any newsroom who thinks that they can survive the always-progressing technological wave and not involving users online is living in a fantasy world. You have to get real. Your followers follow your media outlet for a reason. So, involve them. Simple as that. 


Newsrooms of today should make it public knowledge that they will publish user content. Online users should have the option to submit their videos or blog posts to media outlets for publication. If online is the future and journalists can’t be everywhere to gather the information, then they need to incorporate average citizens to find the news for them. 

Like I said before, it is not a one-way process anymore. It is a congested highway of stories just waiting to get sorted out. By acknowledging your subscribers, they will turn to your website more often because they know that you encourage people such as them. It builds rapport. The more you have them participate, the more they will. Readers must feel appreciated

And an online user can contribute by submitting photos and videos. A plethora of other sites solely exists from online users submitting their videos. However, outlets need to have a filter or a strict policy that dictates what types of images and videos are allowed. Simply having a section that will allow a user to upload anything isn’t good. Media outlets need to have a staff member choosing and scheduling which posts will see publication and when.

Media outlets can have a special page made for online user material. Perhaps, at the end of each week, the user with the best content gets an article written about them, or a personal video submitted by them telling the others who they are

Think of it this way: rather than have someone post their content on their own social media platforms, newsrooms can encourage them to post on their websites for a more professional presentation that allows prestige and exposure. Also, it can encourage them to provide more content in the future.

Make it Responsive 

Another great idea to keep users interested is to provide choices to a visitor. 

The online user is taking time out of their day to visit your news site. They want information more than simply checking to see the generic news of the day. By having an interactive database of useful information, a newsroom can ensure that a visitor will stay longer on the site. The longer they stay, the better a search engine (Google) respects your site and will then likely raise your site’s page ranking. 

The closer a website is to the number one spot on page one, the more traffic the site will see. Therefore, the more money it could generate.

One of the main gifts of having an online presence is its ability to produce beautiful images on the screen. Print media just doesn’t have the same capability as a computer screen. Make it fun for online users to engage with the content. Everyone loves pie charts and graphs and online databases where they can research topics. They want to learn about percentages and possible outcomes. Your visitors are interested in your site. Make it so interesting that they want to stay. And when they leave, make them come back. 

Comment Boards 

Whereas newspapers allow readers and subscribers to have contact through phone calls, snail-mail, and emails, online users can immediately interact through comments sections and online forums. This way helps the outlet see which types of content online users enjoy so they can report on similar topics in the future.


Forums have a much broader range of discussion ability than comment boards. Forums allow online users to create threads and navigate discussions they want. Sometimes, if a topic has been known to upset readers, a site moderator may have to intervene often to ensure peace is upheld. 

Go Live!

This is the most revolutionary media that has evolved yet. 

Online users can interact in real-time with speakers or politicians, etc. Having a live chat on a media outlet’s website will give a major boost to the traffic it sees and its overall integrity in the news media arena. Live chat gives the online user a chance to act as more than just a user behind a keyboard asking a question and waiting for a possible response. Instead, it allows a personal and immediate response from an expert in that field.  

Ask Questions

Online users love to take polls and surveys. If you provide them with a challenge and a chance to express their distaste or fondness for one choice over another, they will jump at the chance. These answers will give the media outlet a great insight into what online users think about current topics. And it will allow for future stories that could likely bring in more interest and traffic.

Possible answers to these questions shouldn’t be so difficult. Simple YES/NO answers are good enough. However, if you have the time and really want to get specific on the answers, you can provide multiple-choice questions of elaborate answers.

The Benefits of Online User Engagement

  1. As distant and somewhat anti-social the Internet has made people, they still want to feel like they are part of a team. Online users want to engage with news media outlets who respect their opinions. Readers want to feel welcome from their fellow online users who may or may not share the same opinions. They want peaceful discourse. 
  2. Online users have experience in topics the media should acknowledge. The newsroom can’t juggle everything at once. And that is where the talents of the web user come in to play. They can provide content and suggestions. By having experienced users engaging on your site, it shows that your media outlet appreciates its users. 
  3. Probably the most critical (at times) is that online users have the ability to give personal accounts of breaking news stories. Because of smartphone technology, every citizen can act like a journalist. Rather than having them upload a news story to Facebook Live or Instagram, they can submit the story to the media outlet. Perhaps, a freelance opportunity for the submitter can arise from such content. 

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